• ピンクドット沖縄とは



「アライ」という言葉は、 同盟や支援という意味の英語「Ally」が語源の、LGBTQを含む性的マイノリティを理解し、支援する人のことを指します。



What is Pink Dot Okinawa?

This event is for the allies and supporters who stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community, as well as people who wish to create a society where everyone can live together more easily. Here, everyone comes together dressed in pink to deepen their understanding while sharing and expressing their thoughts.

As tourism is one of the key industries in Okinawa, both allies and ally businesses are recruited to conduct awareness raising activities at the event, aiming to create an LGBTQ-friendly Okinawa that allows people to visit with confidence. The word “Ally” refers to those who understand and support sexual minorities and the LGBTQ community, and the same word is also used in Japanese.

The event is not restricted to sexual minorities such as LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender), but is also open to friends, families, and others who agree with the aims of the event. Pink dot is an LGBTQ event that started in Singapore in 2009 and has since spread throughout the world, including the US, Canada and Hong Kong.

In 2015, there were 28,000 people who attended Pink Dot Singapore, and 15,000 at Pink Dot Hong Kong.

History of Pink Dot Okinawa

In 2013, 800 people gathered at Japan’s first ever Pink Dot event which was held in Okinawa. Then, 1,000 people turned out in 2014 and 1,500 in 2015, and in 2016 there were 1,900 participants. In 2017, it became a massive event with 3,200 people participating. Those who join the event are not limited to people from Okinawa and Japan, with the number of overseas participants increasing, too. Also, the number of approved companies who sponsor the event is increasing year by year, and in 2018 there will be 71 companies taking part.
Through cooperation with these numerous companies, the event hopes to increase the number of participants not just from Okinawa and Japan but also from overseas, bringing diversity to the whole of the Okinawan prefecture.

關於Pink Dot Okinawa



此活動不僅是針對LGBTQ(女同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別者)等性少數群體為對象,也包括他們的朋友、家人以及認同此理念的朋友們聚集在一起。Pink Dot活動在2009年於新加坡展開,如今已在美國、加拿大、香港等世界各地廣為盛行。

在2015年的Pink Dot SG(新加坡)活動中的參加人數已達28,000人,Pink Dot HK(香港)也有15,000的參與人數。

Pink Dot Okinawa歷史

2013年的Pink Dot Okinawa,是首次於日本舉辦的Pink Dot活動,當初聚集800多人參加。在這之後,2014年約有1000名、2015年約有1200名、到了2016年約有1900名參加,接著在2017年已約3,200名一同共襄盛舉Pink Dot活動。參加者不僅侷限沖繩縣內民眾,從日本本島錢來,甚至從海外前來參加的朋友也不斷增加。到2018年為止,支持且贊助的企業也成長至71間公司。